Tutorial How to Fill Fields in Handler UI Mod Application by Yk_Handler

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Here a original description, a complete tutorial to use Handler UI Mod softwares by Yk_Handler given as per request by some members at UC Forum. Its a a overview for how to fill different fields in menu, with related queries like Front Query, Middle Query, Back Query, Filter, Add Port to non-Port URL, Remove Port, Proxy Type, UserName and Password and how to use HUI apps and how they affect the browser or app. How to fill  It really a helpful tutorial to all newbies. 

According to  Yk_Handler, "The Idea of Customizing the network appear a couple years ago, when i found some people in my country modify the String of Online Application Server to get a free internet access. So it came to me to make it more dynamic."
"Actually, I got minimum knowledge about the Free Internet, I assume that it was a tunneling method... So, i will just Explain about few input and how it will take effects on the application."
In HandlerUI app we will find this input, I will expain it with examples (assume the application will make a connection to the server with this URL "http://forum.ucweb.com:80/subpath/index.html"):

Filling Queries:
Front Query:
Front query also known as prefix is an input to append a string in front of the Domain in the URL requested to the network.
ex: http://FrontQuery@www.yahoo.com/test/file.txt

Middle Query:
Middle query is an input to append a string at the back of the Domain in the URL requested to the network.
ex: http://www.yahoo.com@MiddleQuery/test/file.txt

Back Query:
Back query also known as suffix is an input to append a string at the back of the URL requested to the network.
ex: http://www.yahoo.com/test/file.txt?BackQuery

Remove String from URL (HUI123):
A string that will be removed from the URL.

Filter (HUI200):
Filter is an input to modify the URL string requested to the network, the format is:
DOMAIN(StringToBeReplaceOrMove StringToBeReplaceOrMove1\StringToReplace StringToReplace1).
1.-URL: http://www.yahoo.com/test/file.txt
   -Filter: www.yahoo.com(test\coba)
Result: http://www.yahoo.com/coba/file.txt
2.-URL: http://www.yahoo.com/test/file.txt
   -Filter: *(st\)
Result: http://www.yahoo.com/te/file.txt

Add Port to non-Port URL:
An input to append port of the Domain in the URL requested to the network. It will not effect on url that already contain port.
ex:-URL: http://www.yahoo.com/test/file.txt
-Add Port to non-Port URL: 80
Result: http://www.yahoo.com:80/coba/file.txt

Remove Port: Checked
This is used to remove existing port on the URL.
-Result: http://forum.ucweb.com/subpath/index.html 
 - Proxy Type: -http
 -Proxy Server: www.google.com
-Result: http://www.google.com/subpath/index.html
  Extra Header added: X-Online-Host: forum.ucweb.com

Other Examples:
- Proxy Type: -host
-Proxy Server: www.google.com
-Result: http://forum.ucweb.com/subpath/index.html
  Extra Header added: X-Online-Host: www.google.com

Username and Password:
Result:  Extra Header added: Proxy-Authorization
(for Proxy login, if empty, the header will not be added)
Note: this will take effect only on communication between the app to the app Server.
Example on opera mini, if we input to open a sites than the url will not being modified, because the url only a part of the Communication Body.

ScreenShot Feature that usually exist on HUI:

First of all, you need to check that you’ve set the J2ME permission for the application (“User Data Access” / “Read User Data” / “Write User Data”) to “Always Allowed” or “Ask every time” or “Ask first time only”. If you set it to “Not Allowed”, than this feature will not working at all.
The Key that can be use to ScreenShot is Green Button (Call Button) and 9 (if the Option on HandlerUI Checked).
ScreenShot Path: I’ve set the Default Saving path of ScreenShot feature to “c:/directory/”,where this drive of path (c:) is usually exist on cellphone. But some cellphone has a different path that is permitted to be access. So, to make sure the ScreenShot successful, try to get information about the permitted path to be written by J2ME application. You may try some java file browser application such as MiniCommander to well know about your system.
New Thread on ScreenShot: J2ME application allow us to do MultiThreading (maybe some cellphone not support this feature). where we can do something while the other thread will beA  process in the background. So, when this Feature turn on, while we do ScreenShot, the application will not appear to be stopped, and we can do other things, while in the background the application is saving the image from the Screen.
Which PNG or JPEG is good to be use?: It is depend on how you want it. Both of the file format is very usual to be used. But currently,on the code that i used, i will explain the advantage and disadvantage of them.
The PNG file format that i use, is not compressed. So, the result will be quite consume the Memory. The advantage is, it save more faster because it is not through the compression method. The JPEG file format that i use, is compressed. So, it will be more efficient. The disadvantage is, it save slower and consume more RAM because it is through the compression method. For a large resolution Screen, i suggest you to use the JPEG file format, for cellphones that has small RAM/Java Heap, i suggest you to use the PNG file format. So, make your own choice.

I hope this will helpful to all new users and also old user to understand it better. 
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